Our Athlete Spotlight today is on RYAN SMITH. If you haven’t had a chance to meet Ryan and his beautiful wife Devon, you need to make arrangements because they are lovely. Residing in Louisiana, Ryan is a fierce Viking and all around great person! Let’s learn more:
WHEN DID YOU START TRIATHLON? I did my first sprint triathlon in 2015. The Miles Perrett Cancer Services Tri. 200 yard pool swim, 8 mile bike, 2 mile run. I was hooked from there.
TELL US ABOUT YOUR TRIATHLON JOURNEY: I started running 5Ks with my brother around 2010. Then I met some people at local run clubs in Lafayette Louisiana who did triathlon, so I started doing them too. Got a coach (Travis Thomas) who moved to the Woodlands and encouraged me to join Valhalla. Came to a Valhalla Starbucks group ride and got dropped like a bad habit which lit a fire in me to get faster and go farther which I did over the next handful of years competing in dozens of sprints, several 70.3s, two Ironmans (Florida & Wisconsin) and a swimrun (my favorite).
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RACE? Swimrun Mackinac Island
WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BIGGEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IN THIS SPORT? Training for and completing two Ironman races on a 14 & 14 offshore schedule. I also did a 4.5 mile river swim in Richmond Va. swimming 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. A masters coach told me I’d never be able to swim for distance on that schedule so…showed him I guess.
WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE? Maintaining a reasonable race weight. The struggle is real when your favorite power bar is boudin.
TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILY: I have an amazing wife, Devon, who did a short stint in Valkyrie and still likes to run & workout with me and two great boys who I try to set a good example for. They are great little athletes themselves. The oldest is 16 and a varsity starter in baseball at a 5A school and the youngest is 13 and plays travel baseball but has expressed an interest in endurance sports. (I think he will be my racing buddy soon). Both of them have run 5ks.
TELL US ABOUT YOUR PROFESSIONAL/PERSONAL LIFE: I’m the OIM / Lead Operator on a pipeline platform in the Gulf of Mexico and on my days off kid Uber. When I’m not kid ubering or exercising on my days off I’ve taken up bowling which is my wife’s favorite hobby. I like rock music and attend concerts from time to time. Recently checked Pantera & Megadeth off the list. The wife and I like to travel but the older we get the more we tend to go back to places we like (Key West / Disney). Disclaimer: I wasn’t a Disney person until I married one.
WHAT IS SOMETHING NO ONE WOULD EVER GUESS/KNOW ABOUT YOU? In 1998 I was in a rock band. I played bass.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT THIS TEAM? Once a viking always a viking. I’m surprised to be getting an athlete spotlight due to my recent inactivity. I will be back though. Life happens.
WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? Terry Goodkind BUT I’m reading Joe Abercrombie right now and these books are a real close second. Grimdark Fantasy (Think Game of Thrones).
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE RESTAURANT? Mcguire’s Irish Pub (Pensacola / Destin)
WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? I’m a big fan of Andy Frisella, the guy who created the 75 Hard program and 1st Phorm supplements. He has a great podcast.
WHAT EXCITING PLANS DO YOU HAVE FOR THE NEXT YEAR? A friend from high school who lives in Jacksonville is meeting me in Pensacola for the Santa Rosa triathlon. Unrelated to triathlon I’m going to Wrigley Field and then Vegas for our 10th anniversary.
ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE? Never half ass a snot rocket.